Worth shipping a car for < 9 months in Spain?

by Stephen
(Washington DC)

Ship a car to Marbella

Ship a car to Marbella


My wife and I are thinking of moving to Spain for about 8 months or so and will need transportation. I have looked into long term rentals as well as the programs where you basically buy/lease a car and insurance and everything is included.

Both of them seem like they would cost several thousand dollars so I wondered it if wouldn't be better to just bring my 2006 Corolla over for that time. Does anyone have any advice on that matter?

Thanks so much!

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Jul 17, 2015
Shipping a car to Spain?
by: Marbella Family Fun

Hello Stephen,

Thanks for contacting MarbellaFamilyFun.com!

The short answer to your question: No, especially if you will be here in the off season.

Prices for rental cars are very high during the summer period but they fall precipitously afterwards. As there is over-capacity in the market for much of the year, the renter has the advantage.

That being said, you may want to consult with an expert on registering your car here. We can recommend getting in touch with Miguel at Car Registration Expert in Spain. He's helped numerous families get the facts on what it would take to legally drive a vehicle here - even temporarily.

If we can be of any other assistance, please let us know.


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