The Marbella Family Nutrition Blog is a collection of the top concerns we've received on our site related to the topic of nutrition in family homes in Marbella.
Raising a family in the age of fast- and mass-produced food can be overwhelming and full of unfortunate surprises. While we know a little about the hidden dangers of sugars and fats, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of contradictory information on the topic of nutrition.
The Marbella Family Nutrition Blog was developed to build a forum where parents can get and exchange effective tips on how to develop healthy nutritional habits that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Share your question or tip here - we'll immediately post it so you can get feedback from the community.
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Data Driven Personalized Nutrition & Health Coaching
Finally, get your health sorted with a personalized program based on data and biofeedback. Zora The Explorer of is an expert in aging …
The final rule of thumb with food is to look at the ingredients list, and if there is an ingredient that you can’t pronounce, it’s probably best not to …
Why Pro-Biotics & Gluten Are Best Friends
It’s no secret that ‘Gluten-Free’ has become a big money market with hundreds of companies jumping on board. …
Health Benefits Of Pressure Cooking
Cooking using a pressure cooker has become so popular in the recent past. This can be attributed mainly to more people realizing the benefits of this type …
What type of juicer should I buy?
I want to buy a juicer and have heard that a cold pressed juicer is the only one to go for! On the other hand I've also heard that Sage by Heston Blumenthal …
Raw Juice Detox Cleanse, delivered chilled to your door.
From Estepona to Marbella Town, Free Delivery
Choose from the "Colour Coded" Juice Detox
Or... …
School dinners and child obesity
School dinners - two words that strike repulsion into the hearts of most mums and dads of a certain age. But as our generation deal with rising levels …
Healthy Foodie Tour With a Health Coach Not rated yet
A native of Los Angeles and a leader in the health & wellness industry takes you on a spectacular 6 hour foodie tour focusing on healthy cafes and markets …
How to Stay Fit and Healthy For Life in Marbella Not rated yet
We all want to have more energy, be healthy, look younger and be fit yet we fall into the traps of diets that do not work. Do you want to know why? Simply …
Exercise to Promote Weight Loss Not rated yet
To manage weight, you should exercise actively for at least 30 minutes a day. Or at least an hour of intensive exercise every second day, whatever fits …
Juicing For Kids in Marbella Not rated yet
For many parents, one of the greatest and most rewarding challenges is in getting the kids into a healthy diet and having them like it! Of course, this …
Gluten-Free Meals For Kids Not rated yet
Nutritional intake during childhood is of great importance both because of its importance for physical and mental development, but also because healthy …
Great Meals For Lactose Intolerant Kids Not rated yet
Simply put, lactose intolerance is the body’s inability to process lactose, a sugar found in dairy products.
Consuming dairy is generally not fatal, …
Toxicity and Your Family Not rated yet
The environment that most of us have been born into was likely far from pure. Whether we live in a rural setting or in an urban area we will almost certainly …
Food is the Answer Not rated yet
An excellent place to start is our food.
To start, there are a few choices that dramatically reduce toxicity. The first is making the choice to eat …
Why Cleaning Products and Plastic Are Problematic Not rated yet
Perhaps the most common door through which toxins enter our household is through our cleaning products. Whenever and wherever possible, it is best to …
Raw Beginnings Workshop - Raw Passion Not rated yet
Time: June 25, 2014 from 11am to 2pm
Location: Atalaya
Workshop fee: 30 euros per person
Gut Health & Gluten | How to Stay Fit and Healthy for Life | Exercise to promote weight loss | Juicing for Kids | Delicious Gluten-Free Meals for Children | Great Meals for Lactose Intolerant Children | Toxicity and the Family | Food is the answer to many questions | What you need to know about the Ingredients List | Why cleaning products and plastics are a problem
The content on the Marbella Family Nutrition Blog has been authored by Indre Coleman, who lives on the Costa del Sol with her own family. She is also a nutritional entrepreneur, specialising in Marbella family nutrition topics. Her personal passion for health, fitness and proper nutrition knows no bounds and Indre enjoys sharing her knowledge about this important issue.
If you have a specific question that you'd like to see addressed on the Marbella Family Nutrition Blog, please let us know about it using our Ask a Question feature located on the bar above. Or, leave your question on our Facebook Comments section, below. We'd be glad to hear the topics you personally would be interested to read about.
Thank you for taking the time to review the Marbella Family Nutrition Blog and let us know your feedback - we'd be delighted to share it!
Why Pro-Biotics & Gluten Are Best Friends
It’s no secret that ‘Gluten-Free’ has become a big money market with hundreds of companies jumping on board. It’s become hard to see the wood for the trees. We know our gut isn’t happy. We know Gluten has got a bad rap. We know we’re likely one of the many who are now living with Gluten-Intolerance. What we don’t necessarily know is what we can do about it without cutting everything out and replacing all our cookbooks.
The good news is there are experts out there willing and able to digest the medical jargon and come out with no-nonsense plain-speaking facts. Experts like Liz Lipski at Innovative Healing make sense of the data and minefield of info to leave us with easily digestible and informative books such as the ‘Digestion Connection’ or ‘Digestive Wellness’.
So Why Pro-Biotics? What’s the Connection to Gluten-Free?
Something somewhere changed. Western diets, modern squeaky-clean hygiene, anti-biotic usage, differences in child-bearing and feeding practises means we have a new generation of people frequently finding themselves intolerant to gluten whilst simultaneously undergoing a radical change in their gut make-up: it’s no coincidence. Given that gluten intolerance is linked to a wide range of unpleasant - and in some cases - downright dangerous side effects, this is a big deal. With Cœliac Disease at the extreme end of the spectrum, but also including medical complaints such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), neurological disorders, nutrient deficiencies, anaemia, nausea and depression, this malabsorption thanks to gluten is no laughing matter.
We know the same problems didn’t exist in the past despite many cultures having grain-based diets. So where did it all go wrong? The answer lies with knowing how our gut works holistically.
Your Gut is More Alive Than You Think
Your gut isn’t just an organ, set up to do a job and getting on with it ad infinitum until the end. Our gut cells only produce the necessary enzymes to break down a very small number of nutrients, they rely on something else to do the rest. Unlike the vast majority of other bodily organs, your gut is reliant on living beings and their ever changing nature: the good bacteria and the bad. These micro-organisms dwelling in your gut have a very important purpose, and two bacteria in particular are the cool-kids on the gut block: Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. Without these bacteria, we simply don’t have it in us to digest gluten and the knock-on effect on our overall well-being is evident. These bacteria rule, and when they don’t, things go wrong. But these little guys are somewhat sensitive to environmental conditions themselves. It’s all too easy for their delicate balance to get out of sync and the result is a badly damaged gut flora making us more susceptible to disease, and also susceptible to passing on the issues to the generation below. Our western diets, rich in processed foods high in sugar and chemical additives are a super-highway to alienating our buddy-bacteria working away to do their job. Diet is the single biggest environmental factor influencing gut microbiota diversity and functionality. Therefore a pretty big thing for us to get wrong over the years.
Distanced From Our Gut Roots – What Did Our Ancestors Do?
We therefore need to do a fair bit of work on re-wiring our bodies, and in particular our guts. And one huge area where our diets and lifestyle differs significantly to that of our ancestors is the process by which we enable the longevity of food. All traditional cultures involve food fermentation practices in a way we tend to turn our noses up at nowadays. Fermented food products, such as live yoghurts, kefir, sauerkraut are the Pro-Biotics leading light. They are the dietary way that our ancestors protected their guts from the malabsorption problems you see today. If you want to understand more on the medical stats behind our Fermentation Friend then have a read of some work done by Dr Mercola, a leading expert on Gut Health.
Pro-Biotics & Gluten – Make Them Bosom Buddies
Live pro-biotics work to prevent the inflammatory response caused by gluten ingestion. Pro-biotics are the way to start getting your gut back to its ancestral truth and functioning in a way to help you and improve your gut health and overall well-being, and this couldn’t be more true than for those with gluten intolerances and those who’ve found themselves needing to lead a gluten-free life. Pro-biotics work to re-colonise the colon with the little guys needed to do the job of working your gut so that you aren’t plagued with gut-health issues for a lifetime.
all want to have more energy, be healthy, look younger and be fit yet we fall
into the traps of diets that do not work. Do you want to know why? Simply because
there is no diet that fits one size, there is very little secret about it.
It is time to change our approach to diets and understand the deeper connection than just the food we eat. There are many other elements such as regular and enjoyable physical activity, an inspiring career, a meaningful spiritual practice, and honest open relationships that feeds your soul and your hunger for living. These are our primary foods that we need to consider when making any dietary changes. Once we have these prioritized, than we can focus on adding healthy, nutritious foods that feed not just our bodies, but our souls too.
To have a well-balanced diet, we must focus more on what good foods to add rather other way around.
The first step to better health is to simply start by adding to your diet more green leafy vegetables, non sweet fruits: avocado, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, whole grains such as Millet, Brown rice, Quinoa, Buckwheat, also healthy fats (seeds, nuts, cold pressed seed and nut oils), sea vegetables, and superfoods are also great way to increase nutritional value in your daily diet. Make sure these foods are at least 60% of your regular diet.
Another 20% of your foods can contain healthy protein such as, lean organic meat, legumes, eggs, wild fish.
Here are some tips to help you out:
Clean Up Your Bad Habits.
The Second step is cleaning up your unhealthy eating habits. Soft drinks, alcohol, sugary treats, pastries, chips, deli meats and other processed foods are packed with chemicals that speed up aging and cause diseases. Not only can they make you gain fat, but also increase your risk of diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, and mental disorders. So you might want to consider lowering that down until gradually you will overcrowd these foods with healthier substances.
Clean eating is all about going back to basics. So choose whole, and natural foods, cook your own meals at home as much as possible, and avoid anything that comes out of a ready meal box. Eat local and seasonal produce as often as possible. When you eat foods grown within season, and locally sourced, the body maintains a healthier balance. It is important to maintain this balance to stay in harmony with the natural order of nature. Also don’t forget to drink clean water and herbal teas instead of soda. Avoid buying any foods with ingredients you can’t pronounce. Keep it simple.
The Third step is to Cut Back on Sugar.
Health professionals refer to sugar as "white poison." This widely used ingredient has been linked with an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, metabolic syndrome, obesity, Alzheimer's disease, depression, diabetes and cancer. Sugar actually feeds cancer cells and causes premature death. Yet, it can be found in millions of products, from bread, pasta and salad dressings to cake and soft drinks.
Keep in mind that fresh sweet fruits and dried fruits, honey and other healthy sweeteners contain sugar in the form of fructose. This natural sugar is the number one source of calories for most people. Bare in mind even the healthiest foods can be harmful when consumed in excess. The key is to enjoy everything in moderation and practice mindful eating and be conscious of what you eat.
Stay active!
Exercise is just as important as clean eating, it’s more important than you may think. A 30 minute walk every day can do more for your long term health than all the efforts of a dozen doctors and medications. It’s not only that regular exercise improves your health, but it also prevents you from encountering life-threatening conditions.
And exercise does not only make you look great – that is younger, fitter and sexier, but you can also benefit from improving your overall health.
For more information on detoxing of the body through juicing stay tuned for future articles or, if in Marbella, have a cold-pressed juice and dive right in!
To manage weight, you should exercise actively for at least 30 minutes a day. Or at least an hour of intensive exercise every second day, whatever fits into your busy schedule. Most importantly is to be consistent and committed and this way you will achieve the result you desire - to lose weight and keep it off. Remember its better to do little than none and body will thank you for that.
Exercise for a healthy heart.
According to medical professors, even a moderate amount of exercise helps your heart. Little exercise is better than none and more is better than less. Exercise reduces LDL cholesterol, the kind that clogs arteries. It also reduces your blood pressure, relieving stress on your heart, improves your insulin sensitivity, improves heart muscle function, and blood flow to diminish the chances of developing blood clots. These findings have been corroborated by a host of studies over the years.
Exercise to lower high blood pressure.
Exercise is great for your blood pressure; it lowers blood pressure in large parts by altering blood vessel stiffness so your blood flows more freely. And it really doesn't matter whether you get exercise from a walk on the beach, a fast run or a yoga stretch, the results are equally as good. So no excuses regarding your age, weight, race or gender, stay connected with your body and get it moving!
Exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress.
Exercise is not only used to look fit and healthy, but also great to manage stress in our everyday lives.
Regular workouts help your body systems practice interacting with each other, in a healthy way. This directly leads to a better overall response to stress. Also a long period of exercise, will have a happy affect on your emotions and it’s a great way to socialize when taking part in any sports or exercise.
Most importantly make exercise your regular habit and don’t worry about which exercise is the best for others, focus on yourself and what makes you enjoy it the most.
When it comes down to it, any exercise is beter than none. Don't worry about which exercise is the best for others, focus on yourself and what you enjoy.
Here are some more tips to exercise:
Mix up your exercise. Depending on your goals whether to lose weight or gain muscle as examples, try to mix it up a bit! Try aerobics, yoga, pilates, walks or runs on the beach, spinning, swimming, and weights. Surprise your body!
Make the first move. I know it's hard when you don’t feel like moving a muscle or when you’re feeling tired and stressed out from unnatural activities. But however small it is, make that first step to move around. It could literally be putting on your trainers and just going for a gentle walk or stretch. Start from there.
Don’t go wild on your first day. When just getting started with exercise, go slow and easy. There's no point running a marathon on your first day, let your body to get use to it.
Just try doing some exercise today and see if it makes a difference on how you feel tomorrow, if you get bored of one thing try another. Soon you will be enjoying your health, happiness and strength.
For many parents, one of the greatest and most rewarding challenges is in getting the kids into a healthy diet and having them like it! Of course, this is also a challenge for many adults looking to improve their diets.
One of the easiest ways of doing so is actually via smoothies,
specifically green smoothies. The
standard trick here is in “hiding” the otherwise yucky greens (usually spinach)
behind a wall of sweet fruits like bananas or berries. Over time, the amount of
greens increases while the amount of added sugary fruits goes down. This is a great technique, but there are
plenty of wrinkles to it, which we’ll cover in this article.
Smoothies: Not all greens are created equal in taste or nutritional content. Mixing up the greens from one smoothie to the next adds variety and can be useful in making things more palatable. An excellent technique I’ve come by is to alternate greens of varying bitterness. Cycle through kale, spinach, romaine, and green leaf lettuce. A fresh romaine heart can be sweet, effervescent, and incredibly nourishing, making a good break from the monotony of kale and spinach. Don’t rely too much upon bananas. Experiment freely with mangos, kiwis, and berries. A great way to create a fuller feeling throughout the day is to add celery and cucumber into the smoothie.
Cacao: Raw cacao, whether in the form of nibs, powder, or butter gets a category all to itself. Simply put, raw cacao is a fantastically amazing food that will keep the kids humming along and will minimize stress. A wonderful smoothie combination is hemp or almond milk, bananas, and a couple tablespoons of Raw Cacao powder. Obviously, cacao makes for a wonderful pudding. One of our favorite combinations is mixing almond milk, chia seeds, cacao powder, and maple syrup or raw honey. Another winning combination is cacao powder, avocado, pitted dates, raw honey and a pinch of Himalayan salt.
Juices: As with the smoothies, it’s best to start sweet and gradually add more greens and other items that aren’t as naturally sweet. A great starter juice is a combination of apple, carrot and /or beet. After the kids become adjusted to the idea of drinking the juice of roots and fruits, you can mix things up. A wonderful juice that incorporates more vegetables is what I call “fruity greens.” This juice combines a few celery ribs, whole cucumber, half a lemon, one inch of ginger, if desired, one apple, a slice of pineapple, a handful of kale, a handful of other available greens, cilantro and parsley for added flavor notes. It’s delicious and incredibly palatable. I’ve personally made this for many kids who have absolutely adored it. On the fruity end, a wonderful way to insert ginger and turmeric (in root form) into a juice is by combining these powerful medicines with carrots, oranges, red beets, and half a grapefruit. This zingy combination is a great way to start a day.
Juice-cicles: Why buy corn syrup laden popsicles when they can be made right at home with healthy ingredients? If you’ve made too much juice, simply freeze it and save it for later. This is also a great way to move through produce before it goes bad. To make these, one can buy specialty molds, but it is just as good to use inexpensive ice cube molds and popsicle sticks.
Nutritional intake during childhood is of great importance both because of its importance for physical and mental development, but also because healthy eating habits can be developed during those formative years. With more and more of the population displaying gluten sensitivity, here are some guidelines and ideas for feeding your children delicious, gluten free meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The logic behind
these food choices is not so different from that of the Paleo diet: lean meats,
whole fruits and vegetables, and the avoidance of carbohydrates that are white
(rice, pasta, white potatoes) and processed foods.
Breakfast: There are many directions to go with breakfast. Beginning the day with whole fruits is a great way to start. It is even better to eat the food whole, because the fiber both slows the digestion of the sugar and aids in feeling fuller for a longer period of the day.
Smoothies are also wonderful here, with green smoothies being especially healthy. If they balk at the sight of vegetable content within the smoothie, start out with sweet smoothies and gradually incorporate more vegetables. If they have no problem with dairy, yoghurt is a wonderful addition.
One of the best foods to have at ANY meal, but especially in the morning are hemp seeds. These seeds are a complete source of protein, high in Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids (great for the brain among other things), and are packed with an astounding array of vitamins and minerals.
Old standards such as banana pancakes, eggs, and oatmeal make for obvious menu choices. If making oatmeal, spice it up with amaranth, chia seeds, hemp seeds, nuts, and dried fruit. If you are lucky enough to be close to a good source of berries, breakfast time is an especially good time to benefit from their high content of fiber (raspberries!), phytochemicals, tannins, and antioxidants. Instead of sweetening with sugar, use grade B maple syrup (as it contains more minerals than the sweeter grade A) or local honey.
Lunch: Lunch is a wonderful time for combining lean protein with plenty of vegetables, and ideally for cultivating a lifelong love for consuming salads, especially salads that incorporate bitter greens. Instead of beef and pork, use chicken, turkey, and seafood. Wherever possible, buy them organic, local, and ethically produced. This goes for all foods, but perhaps especially for meat and fish.
I like to build salads that coax children into eating the things they’d rather not. If you are going to add kale, radicchio, beets, sprouts, seaweed (it can be done) and watercress, make sure to incorporate such crowd-pleasing foods as cherry tomatoes, smoked salmon, boiled eggs, and diced apples. A salad is also a great occasion to take in liberal doses of raw seeds. Sesame, sunflower, hemp (again), and flax are great additions. Another great lunch is to serve chicken over a bed of steamed spinach alongside a quinoa pilaf. The options are nearly endless.
Dinner: For dinner, we should continue with lean meats and steamed vegetables. Dinner is a great time to take in some steamed cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts. Make them more interesting by pairing them with lean meat or smoked salmon, and steam them with garlic and/or ginger. Combine the meat and vegetables with a baked sweet potato topped with walnut and you might just have stumbled upon healthy food that the children will eat!
Simply put, lactose intolerance is the body’s inability to process lactose, a sugar found in dairy products.
Consuming dairy is generally not fatal, but leads to various forms of discomfort such as gas and bloating. For many of us, dairy products were a major part of the childhood culinary experience. The biggest question that comes up when cutting out dairy considerably or completely (varies by case and preference) is typically, “from where should we get our calcium?”
Fortunately, there are many non-dairy sources of calcium! Among the most important sources are spinach and dark leafy green vegetables, raw broccoli, white tuna (canned as well), salmon and sardines (with bones), almonds, and various fortified drinks. Many with lactose intolerance are at a heightened risk for vitamin D deficiency, so we will also place special focus on Vitamin D rich foods. While you should take in fortified drinks and supplements if you need to, we’ll focus on whole food sources in this article. In this day and age, thriving without dairy products is incredibly easy.
Breakfast: Smoothies are a great way to begin the day! Use a calcium rich almond milk base (home-made almond milk is even better and easy to make) and include whatever fruits and vegetables you can sneak in. Hemp seeds and coconut oil make for great sources of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. With enough sweet fruit (oranges pack a great deal of calcium), it is very easy to add plentiful amounts of spinach and leafy green vegetables, and still have a smoothie the kids will enjoy. If your children are weird in the way that I was, they may really love a savory breakfast of eggs, salmon, spinach, and onions made into a delicious hash. Try making “toad in a hole”, by cutting a circular hole in whole grain bread and cooking an egg in the hole.
Lunch: Lunch is a wonderful time to enjoy those dark leafy greens, steamed, blanched, sautéed, or served raw in a salad. Top the salad with a few canned sardines, or make it more delicious by grilling a whole sardine in the Portuguese or Spanish style.
In the northern latitudes, herring is one of the best sources of vitamin D, as well as EPA and DHA- fatty acids that are vital for preventing heart disease and maintaining the optimal functionality of the brain. The dark leafy greens with the largest amount of digestible Vitamin D are bok choi, mustard greens, turnip greens, kale, and watercress. If you or your children absolutely can’t go without bacon, a wonderful way of eating bacon in a healthy setting is blanching a bed of watercress with a warm “dressing” that consists of sautéed bacon pieces, raw apples, a little olive oil, and a little vinegar. It’s an absolutely delicious salad!
Dinner: Pinto beans are an exceptionally good source of calcium, so prepare some with organic, short grain, brown rice- a winning combination since rice and beans form a complete protein. Top it with a lean protein like fish or chicken, add a side of steamed greens, and your favorite salsa for extra flavor and color. It’s both a delicious and visually appealing meal. Mollusks and crustaceans are both exceptionally high in Vitamin D, so introduce your children to the joys of well-prepared oysters!
A habit I picked up along the way is to finish dinner with a simple dessert of calcium rich orange pieces. It adds a wonderful zest to the end of the day!
The environment that most of us have been born into was likely far from pure. Whether we live in a rural setting or in an urban area we will almost certainly be exposed to toxic environmental elements that have negative effects upon our health. These toxins are found in our air, water, food, consumer products, and the materials that form the basis of modern industrial society.
Two stepping stones along the pathway to improved health are reducing or eliminating the toxins that enter our environment, and cleansing our bodies of the toxins that we have already taken in - not so different than what it takes to clean a clogged drain!
Making the necessary
steps in your own life can have a profound effect on those closest to you,
especially your family. Imagine what a
great help it is to our children to not only raise them in a clean and natural
environment, but to provide them with the example of your own healthy choices. In this post, we’ll explore some simple ways
of removing toxins from our environment, and the profound effect this
reordering can have on our life and the lives of our loved ones.
An excellent place to start is our food.
To start, there are a few choices that dramatically reduce toxicity. The first is making the choice to eat more whole, unprocessed foods and live foods. While many of the chemical ingredients found in our foods are mostly toxic, our bodies run optimally on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
The next is to move your diet more in the direction of a plant-based vegan or vegetarian diet. So much of the meat and seafood on the market has been produced in a far from optimal manner. Livestock typically lead far from healthy lives as they are pumped with hormones, force fed corn, and made to live in cramped, disease breeding, conditions. Furthermore, industrial farms contribute mightily to climate change (through methane), and their run-off pollutes and negatively effects nearby waterways.
If you do eat meat, eat it sparingly, and buy grass fed beef, free range chickens, and any other meat as locally and organic as possible. Spain has a great variety of free range fed animals on the market today.
Seafood is probably something to be avoided altogether as there are several concerns. The first of these concerns is the increasing amounts of mercury and other heavy metals found within fish. According to the WHO, the ingestion of Methylmercury from fish and shellfish is damaging to our neurological functioning, our kidney functions, and the general health of our nervous system. In the most severe cases, the adverse symptoms can be as severe as brain damage, paralysis, incoherent speech, and delirium. If you are to eat fish, avoid shellfish and larger predatory fish. Mercury, tends to accumulate in greater concentration when fish ingest it from other fish, as opposed to the fish that ingest it with plankton.
So, instead of Tuna, try sardines, and when you are ready, exchange sardines for organic hemp seeds, coconut oil, and some fresh juice.
In truth, we should all give the fish a long break. The UN estimates that we are on pace to make wild fish extinct by 2050!
The final rule of thumb with food is to look at the ingredients list, and if there is an ingredient that you can’t pronounce, it’s probably best not to make the purchase! For your convenience, the following is a short list of common ingredients that are probably best avoided: carrageenan, high fructose corn syrup, potassium and sodium benzoate, sucralose, aspartame, potassium sorbate, soy lecithin, polysorbate 80, canola oil, palm oil (perhaps even more for environmental reasons), MSG, BHA and BHT, propyl gallate, acesulfame-K, enriched wheat, and artificial colors. The list goes on and on. . .
The bottom line is that if you adopt a whole food, plant based diet, then you are well on your way to incredible health.
A way to improve from there is to take in foods which have the tendency to make your body’s pH alkaline rather than acidic. An acidic pH is, for all intents and purposes, something of a toxic state since an acidic pH provides the necessary preconditions for the manifestation of various diseases and ailments. There is a lot of easily accessible information on this subject with one of the best books being “Alkalize or Die.” And “Ph Miracle” by Dr Robert Young.
Even more toxins are found in consumer products and household goods. It is startling to realize that about 1 in 8 of all ingredients in consumer products are toxic or harmful: a list that includes plasticizers, degreasers, and surfacants. The David Suzuki Foundation is a great resource when it comes to knowing what to look out for when purchasing goods. In the following link they have provided a helpful list of 12 common toxins (some of which are also in our food) placed in beauty and cosmetic products: The Dirty Dozen.
Perhaps the most common door through which toxins enter our household is through our cleaning products. Whenever and wherever possible, it is best to replace industrial cleaning products with common household products like lemon, oil, vinegar, and baking soda. There are hundreds of clever uses and helpful tips to be found online. Instead of bleach, use hydrogen peroxide. Replace chemical laden soaps and shampoos with Hemp-based Dr. Bronner’s pure castile soap.
Finally, the world is becoming more and more a world of plastic, and as such it is important to avoid toxin laden plastics. The three main plastics to avoid are polycarbonate, polystyrene, and PVC. These leach BPA, styrene, and vinyl chloride respectively.
Plastic derived toxins are found in toothbrushes, toys, dental sealants, shoes, receipts, and the lining of canned foods. In addition to being unhealthy for our bodies, plastic has had an even greater effect on the health of our oceans, waterways, and wild life. The best thing to do here is reduce our use of plastic as much as possible.
There are many simple and easy ways to reduce plastics in your daily life:
Take this practice up as a fun and creative challenge! If you minimize the toxicity from any of these areas, you will be setting yourself and/or your family upon an excellent path. The course of the whole world can be changed by millions of people making millions of small decisions for a common cause.
For more information on detoxing of the body through juicing stay tuned for future articles or, if in Marbella, have a cold-pressed juice and dive right in!
What are your concerns for your specific Marbella family nutrition lifestyle? Let us hear your feedback in the Facebook comments section, below, or use our Share a Tip feature on the bar, above. We'll review your question and address it in a future entry of the this blog.
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About the Author: Indre Coleman Born in Lithuania, Indre has spent years studying the impact of nutrition on health. In 2013 she founded Juices to Glow as a means for families to introduce healthy and nutritious cold-pressed juices into their diets as a source of vital nutrients to maintain an active healthy lifestyle. We'd like to thank Indre for taking the time to share her knowledge with us on the Marbella Family Nutrition Blog. |
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