Manilva family mountain walks
Manilva family mountain walks
The Environmental delegation of Manilva Town Hall is organizing two family walks through the mountains on February 13th and March 13, 2011. Both walks are open to the public and free of cost for the children. The walks are dedicated to boys and girls under 14 years old.
Program led by Salvador Zotano:
Sunday, February 13, 2011Jacinto Porro - ALCORRÍN
Distance: 9.000 m.
Difficulty: Easy
Sunday, March 13, 2011SIERRA DE LA UTRERA
Distance: 6.000 m.
Difficulty: Intermediate
General Information:* Participants must be at least 6 years old and accompanied by an adult.
* The physical condition of the participants must coincide with the distance and difficulty of each walk.
* Spaces are reserved and open until the Wednesday before each walk.
* Meeting time: 9:00am (The Environmental department provides buses when necessary)
* Price for adults is 4 euros, which must be paid to the Unicaja account nº. 2103 0153 23 0230000044
* Money will not be accepted at the Environmental Delegation offices, Pz. de Orfeo s/n. Tlf: 951 27 60 50 - 952 89 38 78.
* Space is limited to 50 participants per group per walk.
For registration forms and more information see the Manilva website: