Leila Youssef Relationship Coach

Leila Youssef is a professional relationship coach on the Costa del Sol who offers smart, successful women a process to build healthy, productive personal and business relationships.

Her clients describe her as having a unique talent to provide the tools needed to quickly overcome personal barriers that prevent them from developing effective and mutually beneficial relationships with others. 

Leila offers her clients focused coaching through:

  • One-on-one sessions at her office in Southern Spain
  • Interactive videoconferencing sessions 
  • Regular workshops in Marbella

In an unsatisfying relationship or looking for a healthy one?

The focus of Leila's practice is to help women discover how to build a healthy and complementary relationship that enhances their day to day livesIf you feel that the questions, below, describe your current situation, Leila's practice is designed to help:

  • Are you insecure about your own abilities? 
  • Are wounds from past relationships still haunting you today?
  • Tired of the emptiness when you come home at nights eating dinner at a table alone?
  • Are you envious when you see happy couples holding hands as they walk down the sidewalk?
  • Are you an expert at what you do, yet somehow feel unfulfilled?
  • Do you feel alone no matter how many people are around you?

These feelings are not uncommon for single women or even those currently in an unsatisfying relationship. However, there is no reason to feel helpless in this situation because there are practical steps anyone can take to make a positive change.

Programme for Single Women

Programme for Women in a Relationship

  • Module 1: Finding the real you
  • Module 2: Master the inner game of dating
  • Module 3: Finding your true partner in life
  • Module 1: Your self image and relationship
  • Module 2: Overcoming the past
  • Module 3: Building healing family relationship

The programmes outlined above include bi-weeekly meetings for four months which can be conducted face-to-face or by videoconference or telephone. As part of the programmes you will also receive clear, step-by-step instructions on how to address your own personal situation. 

What makes the programme developed by Leila Youssef so unique is that she is able to deliver effective and practical solutions quickly. Unlike other therapists who attempt to build an elaborate (and costly) profile of your entire life, Leila has a knack to address the facts head-on and provide clarity on the steps required to bring about positive and productive changes in your life. 

This coaching programme gives you the strength, the personal power, and the accountability to make measurable shifts in your search for the ideal relationship or for rekindling passion and trust in your existing one.

How Leila Youssef helps women to welcome themselves

If you are insecure about your own abilities or self, it is unlikely that you will develop healthy, strong relationships. It may seem like an insurmountable situation but Leila Youssef's experience confirms that these feelings are common and that countless people go to bed at night asking themselves why they are unable to shake off the weight that has been pulling them down - sometimes for years.

The initial step to personal growth comes with a clear understanding of the individual inhibitors to self-development. Leila's first task is always to quickly diagnose the drivers behind each of her client's feelings so that an action plan can be developed to alleviate historical stresses and begin building a path to a healthy future.

Healthy relationships require you to start with yourself

Leila Youssef herself is a multi-cultural woman who has shared many of the experiences of her clients. She ran a successful practice for years but remained unfulfilled because she didn’t have a caring relationship. Leila herself experienced constant emptiness each day, effectively compartmentalising her negative emotions and leaving them unaddressed. 

It was only after she transformed her inner self that Leila says was able to attract her true partner and enjoy a life of joy and passion.

That personal experience helped to enhance her ability to help clients discover the art of finding their true selves, a programme which she has packaged in a series of steps that Leila takes with each of her clients. 

Insecurities: are oftentimes where women feel a debilitating heaviness that prevents them from achieving confidence and happiness, both with themselves and others.

Self discovery: is a constant process that is oftentimes taken for granted. Personal character and behaviour is not a single snapshot that remains forever, rather, it is dynamic and constantly evolving.

Healthy development: begins when one recognises and understands the reasons behind the impediments to personal development and consistently applies the tools needed to overcome them so that the process is effortless.

A simple, yet powerful programme that is surprisingly affordable

Leila's programme has three modules to it, which include bi-weekly meetings (telephone calls or videoconferences) over four months. You will receive step-by-step instructions from her regarding how to make you feel worthy of respect and being respected on your terms. During the process, you may be surprised to learn what the ideal profile of individual is for your own personal relationship. 

For about the price of two cups of coffee per day, you can finally be able to release your negative beliefs about yourself and your past relationships and attract and develop healthy, productive relationships.  

  • Module Price: €250

For more details on your specific background, please contact Leila at her details, below.


Leila Youssef Relationship Coaching

Tel: +34 667 781 542

Email: info@leilayoussef.com 

Website: www.leilayoussef.com

Skype: leila.youssef

Feedback from clients on this page

You are an expert listener, your communication is excellent – direct and unambiguous, you are extremely supportive and empowering. You create a clear and open space for coaching to take place and you inspire confidence and trust.

Dawn Waldron, England

Leila Yousef has a gift: the capacity to detect very quickly personal blockages that dominate us, patterns of behavior we have developed and that, in an insane manner, are trying to hide our pain, our rage, our fear, our feeling of inadequacy and our vulnerability.

Working with Leila, both in her workshops and personal sessions, means to start the path towards emotional and mental healing. It means to be able to go far quicker and efficiently, re-structuring behaviors, emotions, relationships, feelings and results. She provides the personal effectiveness.

Rosa Estañ, Spain

With your psychological background i would call you confident and very knowledgeable.  As a coach, i think your strongest skill is to become whoever your client needs you to be at the moment.  Your skills “ride” on the back of who you are as a person – confident, direct and fearless.

Larry Laswell, USA

I’ve been working with Leila on myself for the last few years, mostly online because we live in different countries.

Her passion, talent, understanding, openness and ability to get to the root of the problems attracted me to open up to her and start my journey of self-knowledge and self-healing. She is committed, confidential and very genuine which made me feel comfortable and safe with her. 

Samira Mohsen, Egypt

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