Laude International College San Pedro

We have recently moved to the costa and having 3 children (2 now in college in the UK) we are most aware of the need to find a school that works with parents, children, teachers and the wider community. We were also concerned that the school should demonstrate a commitment to the international world that we live in. Having visited a number of establishments and listened to parents with children in these Costa schools we choose Laude for our 8 (now 9 year old).

Our initial impression was a refreshing breath of fresh air. The reception and other administrators were all clearly engaged and fully understood and pre-empted our questions and addressed them thoroughly and transparently. The school immediately demonstrated that it is focused and businesslike but leaving both us and our child in no doubt that they were entirely interested in us and listened carefully. They worked hard to manage the transition for not only our child but for us the parents and they have welcomed us all with equal gusto. As with anything not everything was perfect and the purchase of uniform was far from easy and the cost was more than what we had expected, but these are things that can be addressed and resolved.

In summary we feel confident in recommending this school as it is clearly setting our child up for excellence. In the short time since term began our child is excited everyday and this is demonstrated in his enthusiasm and general manner - for us a complete change from previous. The leadership at Laude although new, seems to be absolutely appropriate, pitched to encourage and grow relationships. John Foulkes-Jones tells parents that the greatest gifts that they can give their children are "Roots and Wings", well he has certainly given us them!

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