La Maleta de Andersen children´s show in Marbella

La Maleta de Andersen

La Maleta de Andersen

The theater and dance program titled “Llevo a mis papás al teatro” (I take my parents to the theater) is a series of shows held in Marbella and San Pedro that are geared to entertain every member of the family.

"La Maleta de Andersen" (Andersen´s Suitcase) with actor Jesús Herrera will be playing on the following dates and places:

Friday December 3, 2010 at 5:30pm at Biblioteca Camilo José Cela in Marbella

Saturday December 4, 2010 at 12:30pm at Centro Cultural San Pedro.

Entrance to both shows is FREE and is recommended for children aged four and up. The show seeks to entertain the audience through literature, theater and interaction with Jesús Herrera who plays Hans Christian Andersen, one of the most brilliant children´s writers.

See other shows playing through this parent child theater experience “Llevo a mis papás al teatro”.

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