Is tap water in Marbella drinkable?

by Claire

Tap Water in Marbella

Tap Water in Marbella

Is tap water safe to drink? Can I boil it to use for making up my babies milk or should I buy bottled water and boil that? Some say the tap water contains too much chlorine...

Thank you!

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Jun 10, 2015
by: Claire

Thank you... I was always going to boil it. There are also bottled waters here in spain that are baby friendly that say 'can be used for baby feeds' and are lower in minerals etc. but just wondered what other people did!

Jun 09, 2015
Boiling Water for babies.....
by: Lola

You should always boil water to make powdered formula milk, whatever age your baby is. This is because hot water is needed to kill any bacteria in the powdered milk.

However, once your baby is six months old, you can give her a separate drink of water straight from the tap. There’s no need to boil it first. Use water from the kitchen tap, where it will be fresh from the mains. If you get water from the bathroom tap, it may be coming from a storage tank, so it won’t be as good for drinking.

You can use a water filter if you want, but make sure you follow the filter manufacturer's instructions. Keep filtered water in the fridge, as the filtering process removes some of the additives, such as chlorine, used to keep tap water fresh.

When buying bottled water, try to use water that's low in sodium and sulphates. Look for Na (sodium) and SO or SO4 (sulphate) on the label. There should be 200mg or less of Na per litre, and no more than 250mg of SO or SO4 per litre. Always check that the seal on the water you are buying is intact.

If you feel more comfortable boiling all water until your baby’s a year old, carry on doing this, as you may find it less confusing.

If you have your own spring, well, or borehole in the garden, get your water supply checked before giving it to your baby. Many private water supplies are high in nitrate levels and not recommended for babies. If this applies to you, then natural bottled mineral water would be a safer option.

Last reviewed: November 2013

Jun 09, 2015
by: Lola

Bezoya is the best bottled water for babies here in Spain. My baby is now 1 year and I still boil the bottled water before mixing with the formula and for drinking as water too!

Jun 09, 2015
Mineral water contains too many minerals
by: Anonymous

My understanding was that bottled mineral water contains too many minerals for little babies kidneys, so distilled water is best

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