Electronic pass for the A7 toll roads in Spain
by MarbellaFamilyFun
(Marbella, Spain)
Electronic pass for the A7 toll roads in Spain
Electronic pass for the A7 toll roads in Spain
Electronic pass for the A7 toll roads in Spain
Electronic pass for the A7 toll roads in Spain
Electronic pass for the A7 toll roads in Spain.
Why not avoid queues and save time by purchasing an electronic device that you can use at each toll in Spain. The motorways offer an exclusive lane for the use of vehicles that have this device called "
ViaT device".Advantages of the ViaT device for A7 toll roads:
☻ No Spain giro account necessary
☻ No need to worry about losing motorway tickets
☻ No cash necessary
☻ The toll charge is settled by means of your legal tender (credit card, fuel card, bank account, etc.)
☻ Accepted throughout the entire Spain toll road network
☻ No need to ask for vouchers at toll stations
☻ A statement of account for all your vehicles with an individual documentation of each journey per vehicle (no individual receipts at each toll station).
☻ Simple and convenient settlement of toll payments.
☻ Stress-free driving in Spain
☻ No stopping at toll stations
☻ Right-hand drive vehicles: no awkward payment over the passenger
There are several providers that can offer your discounts and further information. Visit the official page for the
Roads in Spain and you will see several suppliers towards the bottom of the page.