Does anyone have any information about public (Spanish) Primary schools in Estepona West?

by Sarah
(Marbella, Spain)

Schools in Marbella

Schools in Marbella

I am moving from Marbella to Estepona and my son is currently in a Spanish public Primary school which I am very happy with. It is small about 400 pupils. I would like to know of similar schools in Estepona, and also if anyone knows anything about the process of moving from one Spanish school to another. I would be grateful for any pointers or recommendations.


For more information on schools in the area, check out our Complete Guide to Schools in Marbella.

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Apr 18, 2016
Find anything you want in Marbella or The Costa del Sol
by: MarbellaFamilyFun


Glad to hear about your exciting move to Marbella!

There are many public schools in the area and the one which is right for you will be based on a number of factors, the first one being: where will you live?

The best way to research the topic is to scan the blogs on our site for what other parents have said. Simply go to the search field and enter a term "best schools" or "public schools" and you'll get a complete listing of all the content on this site that relates to your topic of interest.

You can also scan these School Blogs for additional feedback from parents in the community:

Schools Forum
Marbella Schools

You'll find perspectives from hundreds of families on schools on the Costa del Sol. We'll also share your question with the community to get their direct feedback.

In the meantime, if there is anything else we can assist with regarding your transition to Marbella - let us know about it! We'd be glad to assist.

Have Fun!

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