CANDIDATE: Any Fitness Related Position

by Chloe
(Marbella, costa de sol)

Hello My name is Chloe Morris, Im 18 years old, I'm from the uk, Moving to Marbella in May and looking for any opportunity within the sport fitness industry. I have Level 2 Sports Coaching and level 3 qualification in Fitness and health, containing many units for example, psychology, sport conditioning and strengthening etc. Im looking for the opportunity willing to use my skills and knowledge and make a statement for myself reputation and your company.

Type of role you are looking for:
Looking for any fitness related jobs.

What makes you a great candidate:
I would make a great candidate for the fitness sector because my passion and focus for sports has been successful and proven by qualifications and exams for over 5 years and still learning and progressing.
If i worked for your fitness company i would work and deliver exceptional results, i would fit in perfectly and be a great aspect to the team. i have many years of knowledge, combination of skills and experience in sport industry that would make me stand out. Hiring me would be a great benefit for you and your company and make your life a lot easier.

Previous experience:
- A NCFE level 2 sport coaching qualification passing with distinction. ( highest garde)
- A Extended Certificate Level 3 sport year 1 qualification passing with distinction ( highest grade)
- I have worked and cleaned many gyms around the UK.
- Trained alongside a personal training to gain skills to apply in the future to become a person trainer in Marbella.

Languages you speak:

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