The Box of Kindness

by Kalina - Laude School Year 5W

It was a rainy afternoon and Jenny was watching TV. It wasn’t very long before she heard a little noise at the door. Jenny turned off the TV and opened the door. She saw a small blue box on the ground. She bent down and took the box. After she closed the door, she raced up to her room and opened the box, where she found a note and read it. She put her best piece of jewellery inside the box then went to finish watching her favourite TV program. That night, when she went up to her room, the box was gone!

The box had magically reappeared in front of a dog house. Inside the little dog house was a fat Norfolk terrier. He came out to sniff the box top to bottom. The dog lifted a paw and opened the lid, but then it fell down again. Once the box was closed it disappeared to a new destination.

It was a while before the box got to its next stop, but it got there. The box landed on a bedside table. The room had two beds the size of a pickle. A brother and sister came running into the room noisily. Soon the older sister saw the box and grabbed it. She sat on the bed with her brother by her side and opened the box. They found the note and read it. The note said “This box is collecting money for a charity called Homeless in Haiti. Please put some money in this box. After you close the box, it will go to another home.” Both kids put 10 Euros in the box. They closed it and the box disappeared.

Watch out for the box near you. If it does not come your way, you can always put money in an envelope and give it to your teacher or parent. They will make sure it goes to help the children in Haiti who are suffering after a terrible earthquake.

The End

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