AVAILABLE: Reliable Live in couple

by Louisa Meijer
(Velez Malaga, Spain)

Live in couple in Marbella

Live in couple in Marbella

We are a young married couple (24 & 31), we are looking for live in work near and/around Marbella.

Any work involving Hospitality, Cleaning, Maintainance, Upkeep, Gardening, Cooking, Petminding or Childminding.

We mainly speak English and are currently learning Spanish. We're open minded, friendly, discreet, clean and professional.

We can provide you with previous work experience ! If you give us a chance we won't let you down!

Kindly contact Louisa and Vaćlav on +34 677 622 585 or e-mail vmatousek6@gmail.com

Thank you !

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Sep 28, 2016
Find more jobs in Marbella and the Costa del Sol
by: MarbellaFamilyFun.com

Post your profile directly to The Marbella Job Board and get noticed by companies and families hiring on the Costa del Sol.

To find any topic related to Marbella or the Costa del Sol, simply visit any page on our website and enter what you are looking for in the search field where it says "What are you looking for?"

You'll receive a complete list of pages on our site which address your specific topic of interest. These include all the comments that thousands of families in Marbella and the Costa del Sol have placed on our portal.

If we can be of any other assistance, please let us know.

Have Fun!

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