AVAILABLE: English Teacher

Dear Sirs,

I am a fully quialified native English teacher looking for a summer job - July and August.

I would like to bring my 7 year old daughter with me (she would take the course) for at least 3 weeks.

Would you let me know if you are interested in my application.

Thank you in advance.

Ruth Ribeiro

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Feb 25, 2016
Find anything you want in Marbella or The Costa del Sol
by: MarbellaFamilyFun

To find any topic related to Marbella or the Costa del Sol, simply visit any page on our website and enter what you are looking for in the search field where it says " What are you looking for?"

You'll receive a complete list of pages on our site which address your specific topic of interest. These include all the comments that thousands of families in Marbella and the Costa del Sol have placed on our portal.

If we can be of any other assistance, please let us know.

Have Fun!

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