About needs, solidarity and good sportsmanship

by Mike S
(Britain and Spain)

In Britain we are a part of Europe, whether we like it or not. Pretending to be outside it is simply childish and dangerous. Furthermore, there is the question of solidarity. Other European countries welcomed us to join in, and we should show solidarity, even if "the game" seems to be (temporarily) going less in our favour - something which is yet to be proven. Britain cheers on good sportsmanship. Well, leaving now is simply "not cricket".

Without Europe, Britian is culturally poorer, and loses many business opportunities. It also becomes more dependant on the United States - god help us! And then when we realise we have made a mistake in leaving it will be very difficult to return to Europe with the same advantages that Britain now enjoys.

Let's eliminate xenophobia, gingoism, and short sightedness, and stay in Europe!

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Jun 21, 2016
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