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Marbella Family Newsletter, Issue #008 -- Marbella January News
January 25, 2010

Welcome to the January 2010 issue of Marbella Family Newsletter!

* Happy New Year everybody! It is amazing how time flies. We have been very busy to bring you some big changes in 2010, and February is already around the corner...

* Ready for the Biggy? MarbellaFamilyFun goes Spanish with Marbella en Familia! The Spanish site is up with a brand new design. It is a mirror site of the English version and all remaining pages will be translated in the next few weeks.

* And that means that MarbellaFamilyFun will also have a new design, similar to the Spanish site. This will be up in February!

* Over the holidays we received many questions from visitors. Read about Spanish ham, tapas or some tourist information. Do not hesitate to ask if you any question about Marbella.

* Check out the Kids’ corner with a new poem from Markian and a lovely story from Kalina. Send them a support message if you enjoyed the writing.

* Do not forget the Power of the BUZZZ: if you find the site useful, please forward this mail to friends and relatives who may have an interest in the Costa del Sol. They will be able to sign up for future newsletters.

* Stay informed about Marbella with the Marbella Family Fun blog updated daily, the Marbella Family blog updated twice a week.

* For a lighter and quick glimpse on Marbella Family life, follow us on twitter. It is easy and fun.

Thank you... and see you next month.
Marbella Family

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